
Unity cloud build version
Unity cloud build version

Yes, Cloud Build is definitely a good option here.

unity cloud build version

Is Cloud Build / Github Action feasible for my needs Maybe someone with more experience can help me out!

  • How much faster / slower would a cloud build solution be compared to a local building option (The devs have quite the machines (i7-10xxx, i9-11xxx + rtx 30xx and m.2 ssds).
  • How would I control which games to build and deploy and which not (I thought of a triggered build on master/main branch commit and then checking which files have changed and getting the according "game" for those files).
  • Is Cloud Build / Github Action feasible for my needs.
  • The final Problem I have is that, as said in the beginning, all "Games" are in the same Unity Project in order to make it easier and faster to develop the next games (weekly) and using a source control I do not want to build all games everytime but rather select which one I want to build (cloud build / github action).
  • I have no experience with source controlling Unity files and Projects with Github (I have knowledge of Github itself and how to use it)).
  • Cloud build / Collaborate apparently does not support branching (always builds on commit but sometimes those are used for "transferring" progress to another machine), Cloud build is quite difficult to customize to our needs (would have to somehow upload the files after build to the blob storage (supposedly via FTP or something similar).
  • My Ideas so far where using Unity Cloud Build (as we already have Unity plus and Teams advanced) or using Github Actions and source controlling it via a Git repository.
  • They have the "work" of uploading the game via the second webappīecause of these concerns I wanted to automate this process.
  • The developers all build the Games on their dev Machines which "locks" the PC from any other use / further development.
  • This upload happens through a separate Page I set up for the various Developers we have in the Team.

    unity cloud build version

    I am currently showing those Games via WebGL on a Website that requests the data files (wasm, data etc.) from an Azure Blob Storage where I upload the files to.

    unity cloud build version

    More or less those are multiple "minigames" that all have the same foundation. Im a currently working on mutliple Unity projects that share quite a lot of prefabs, scripts etc.

    Unity cloud build version